
Depression Preprint Analysis, Part 2

This is the second post in a series that is looking at a collection of preprint papers on a specific topic – in this case, depression. In the previous post, I went through and scraped the website of the Open Science Foundation (OSF) for a list of preprints on the topic. As it turned out, the majority of preprints that dealt with the psychological condition were from PsyArXiv, so I’m focusing this post on topic modeling using only preprints from there.

Depression Preprint Analysis, Part 1

This is the first post in a series focused on trying to analyze the contents of a collection of preprint papers on a topic – in this case, depression. This post involves how I scraped the (initial) website, along with some analysis of basic information from the descriptions of the preprints.

MST3K Episode vs Movie Scores

First broadcast in 1988, Mystery Science Theater 3000 is a television show whose nominal story involves a guy being trapped in space by a couple of mad scientist types…which is actually just an excuse to have a few guys make fun of really, really bad movies. This raises a few unusual questions about the series (as far as TV series go, anyway), like how the movie quality relates to the episode quality. Thankfully, this isn’t too hard to get data on, as we can just look at the IMDB ratings for both.